Fitness Center
Group Fitness Classes - Click HERE
24/7 Access is available at the Fitness Center. Registration is required for 24/7 access. Register at the Fitness Center beginning January 6, 2025. Please click HERE for the NASCC Unmanned Fitness Contract required for registration.
In accordance with Vice Adm. Gray's initiative to improve
quality of life and quality of work life, the Fitness Center is available 24/7!
The unmanned Fitness center will be available from:
Monday - Thursday: 2000 - 0500
Friday: 1930 - 0500
Saturday: 1800 - 0800
Sunday & Holidays: 1700 - 0900
The unmanned Fitness Center is open to all authorized patrons.
For the safety of patrons, several restrictions will be implemented while the Fitness Center is unstaffed.
1) Patrons must be 18 years or older
2) Patrons younger than 18 must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian
3) Guests are not permitted access during unmanned hours
All Patrons will be required to sign in and out.
The goal of the Navy Fitness Program is to create "Fitness for Life" for the entire Navy population, including Active-Duty Sailors, Family Members, Retirees and DoD Civilians.
The Fitness Center offers an extensive array of equipment and classes to give you a fantastic workout. Strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and body composition can be improved with the help of our friendly, professional staff. Services included at our facility are fitness assessments, personal training and group class instruction.
Check the MWR Corpus Christi FacebookPage for monthly fitness incentives, online virtual challengs or other fitness related activities.